Ridhuan Tee, how the Grinch stole Raya

By Sharifuddin A. Latiff

T’was a good first day of Raya until I came across the following article from the Utusan‘s enfant terrible which was published on the day:

Orang Melayu mudah ‘cair’ bila dipuji


  • Kadangkala saya musykil kenapa orang Melayu mudah menjadi ‘cair’ apabila mendengar orang bukan Islam bercakap pasal Islam atau memuji Islam atau memetik satu dua ayat Quran untuk dijadikan hujah sandaran.
  • Orang Melayu mudah ‘cair’. Mereka biasanya mudah berasa terpesona dan terpegun bila ada orang lain yang memuji bangsa dan agama mereka.
  • Janganlah gunakan nama Umar Abdul Aziz sekadar untuk memenangi hati orang Melayu yang mudah ‘cair’.

There was a time when a certain bird of a different feather cajoled the Malay masses with a similar prose in upholding the concept of Ketuanan Melayu for the better part of four decades beginning with ‘The Malay Dilemma’.

Does Ridhuan Tee have similar ambitions with his recent writings?

Jeff Ooi was equally peeved. Go here.

Meanwhile, allow me to digress and highlight Ridhuan’s response [published on 13th September ’09] to a comment [on RT’s earlier blog posting] –


  • Seorang Cina Muslim yang menggelar dirinya ummataunwasoto di dalam blog saya memberikan komen bahawa adalah tidak salah orang Cina mendaulatkan bahasa ibundanya, untuk dirinya dan dalam lingkungan kaumnya, kerana ingin mengekalkan nilai budaya nenek moyang dan identiti keturunan. Persoalannya, bila saya kata salah? Baca artikel saya betul-betul setiap kali disiarkan dalam Mingguan Malaysia. Amat malang sekali jika Cina Muslimpun tidak dapat memahami bahasa Melayu mudah ini. Yang mana lebih perlu diutamakan; agenda negara atau agenda bangsa? Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan adalah agenda negara, matlamatnya besar. Manakala, agenda bahasa ibunda adalah untuk agenda bangsa. Bila berlaku pertembungan, maka sudah tentu agenda negara perlu diberikan keutamaan tanpa menjejaskan agenda bangsa. [Emhasis in red is mine]

This is what “ummataunwasoto” wrote:

Tuhan ciptakan manusia berbangsa-bangsa dan berkaum-kaum. Malaysia beruntung kerana mempunyai masyarakat majumuk yang mencerminkan hikmah dan keindahan kejadian Tuhan! Di bumi bertuah ini terdapat keturunan Arab, Melayu, India, Pakistan, Cina, Siam, Orang Asli, Portugis dan lain-lain yang menganut agama Islam, dan yang menganut agama lain. Tradisi politik dan budaya yang berpaksi dan berteras pada akidah dan nilai Islam telah menjadi asas kedamaian dan keharmonian bumi ini walaupun bumi ini pernah dijajah beratus tahun oleh British yang menganut agama Kristian dan berpegang pada nilai sekular.
Kefahaman kebangsaan dan perkauman yang sempit sedang mengugat keamanan dan perpaduan yang telah dicapai. Politikus yang kecewa dan oppotunis sentiasa menimbulkan isu perkauman untuk meraih perhatian dan sokongan. Kadang-kadang fahaman perkauman yang dimainkan secara halus ini dan bersembunyi di belakng istilah “Kebangsaan”. Islam sebagai agama universal untuk semua manusia juga menjadi mangsa kerana perbuatan penganutnya yang terpengaruh oleh fahaman “kebangsaan”. Akibatnya orang bukan Islam anggap Islam ini agama anutan khusus kaum tertentu. Bila Islam di’kebangsaan’kan, ia telah dipakaikan hijab sehingga orang bukan Islam susah nampak keindahan wajahnya.
Saya adalah keturunan Cina yang menganut agama Islam pada umur 17 tahun ketika saya masih belajar di Sekolah Menengah Chong Hwa (swasta), Kluang. Saya telah membaca terjemahan dan tafsir Al-Quran dan Hadis serta riwayat hidup Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dalam bahasa Cina sebelum menganut agama Islam.
Latar belakang pendidikan saya amat berbeza dengan Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee yang berpendidikan berbahasa Melayu dari sekolah rendah hingga universiti. Saya membaca buku agama Islam dalam bahasa Indonesia, Melayu, Inggeris, Cina dan Arab. Akhbar Sinchew Daily adalah akhabr harian saya dan saya membeli akhbar bahasa Inggeris atau Melayu hanya ketika ada kegunaan khusus saja. Isteri saya keturunan mamak, dalam keluarga saya boleh kedengaran pertuturan bahasa Tamil, Melayu dan Cina diselang-seri dengan bahasa Inggeris. Inilah keindahan Islam!
Saya kira tidak salah kalau ada kaum mendaulatkan bahasa ibundanya untuk dirinya dan dalam lingkungan kaumnya kerana ingin mengekalkan nilai budaya nenek moyang dan identiti keturunan. Punca utama rusuhan yang berlaku di Wilayah Xinjiang, China baru-baru ini ialah dasar kebudayaan dan bahasa kerajaan komunis China yang terlalu menekan terhadap kaum Uighur yang beragama Islam sehingga kaum Uighur merasa warisan bahasa, budaya dan agama mereka terancam dan terhakis sedikit demi sedikit.
Ramai sahabat saya keturunan Melayu yang terpelajar di England , Amerika syarikat dan Timur Tengah tidak yakin kepada sistem pendidikan kebangsaan yang disebut-sebut oleh Dr. Mohd Ridhuan. Mereka menubuhkan sekolah Islam swasta dan mendidik anak-anak mereka di sekolah sendiri untuk melahirkan muslim yang lebih syumul menurut nilai Islam. Sistem pendidikan aliran Islam dan aliran sekular pernah menjadi perbincangan hangat dan pertikaian di kalangan pemimpin politik Melayu (Islam). Isu ini belum reda sepenuhnya. Ibu bapa bukan Melayu menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah Cina dan Tamil adalah sesuai dengan naluri manusia mana-mana kaum, sama juga seperti sahabat-sahabat saya menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah Islam swasta daripada sekolah kebangsaan yang dianggap kurang islamik. Istilah “Pendidikan Perkauman” yang digunakan Dr. Mohd Ridhuan berbau prejudis.
Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir tergesa-gesa melaksanakan pengajaran sains dan matematik dengan bahasa Inggeris. Kerajaan sekarang pula mengata Tun Mahathir telah silap! Inikah sistem pendidikan kebangsaan yang diperjuangkan oleh Dr. Mohd Ridhuan? Apakah ia boleh menyakinkan ibu bapa semua kaum?

4:10 AM


Ridhuan Tee did not reply directly to “ummataunwasoto” on his own blog posting but instead, replied vide his Utusan-sanctioned ‘weekly editorial article’ without highlighting the content of the “ummataunwasoto” remarks.

Therefore, an Utusan reader would somehow be led to believe Ridhuan’s heavy-handed argument , anchored with the “Amat malang sekali jika Cina Muslimpun tidak dapat memahami bahasa Melayu mudah ini” was meant to insinuate that the commentator (in the same vein as Ridhuan’s earlier insinuations against Chinese press reporters, editors, bloggers and just about any non-native speaker who ventures to critique him) has a poor grasp of the Malay language.

On the contrary, “ummataunwasoto” wrote in excellent Malay.

Out of Malaysia’s 6.4 million Chinese, only Ridhuan and he alone, possesses impeccable Malay — or so he’d have Utusan readers believe.


Saudara Ridhuan Tee, di antara yang tersurat dan yang tersirat, kaum Melayu jati lebih memahami.

Jangan terlanjur hingga tiada maaf bagi mu kelak.

Oh ya, satu hal lagi.

Tukar lah gambaq kat blog hang tu. Macam tukang urut ala 80-an aje.


24 Responses to “Ridhuan Tee, how the Grinch stole Raya”
  1. hartalmsm says:


    Kalu engko nak asyik dengan highlighting, baik tandakan merah yang ni jugo:

    Out of Malaysia’s 6.4 million Chinese, only Ridhuan and he alone, possesses impeccable Malay — or so he’d have Utusan readers believe.


  2. Paul Warren says:

    My deepest condolences to RT. He mus be feeling so awfully low that he was not born Malay! Hey, Tee, why not drop the name Tee…change it to Taib or something….that way you don’t have to write all these self-flagellating kind of articles to, I suppose, redeem yourself for having been born Chinese!!

  3. GreenMan says:

    Sesat Fahaman

  4. This guy, ‘Cina tak sedar diri’ has probably been placed in the Def College by Jamil Khir Baharom the former Director of KAGAT, currently in the PM’s Dept, in charge if Islamic affairs. Knowing Jamil’s mind, RT and JKB think alike. Very extreme. God bless all of us.

  5. shar101 says:

    Thank you Major for that bit of information.

    Knowing how the ‘enemy’ thinks makes it easier to strategise.

  6. Steven Yang says:

    Shits we shouldn`t be talking about shit, thats RT

  7. The MIND says:

    This guy is born a chinese and he converted to be a MELAYU…..not a muslim, I guessed….

    He is having this umno brain…..melayu itu islam dan islam itu melayu…..so si ridhuan ni is trying very2 hard TO PLEASE the umno goons that he is more or if not equals them in being a melayu…..in the process, this ridhuan SOLD islam to the PERUNCIT of the pasar borong selayang …..like many umno goons.

    He is just trying to follow the FOOTSTEP of his umno ‘coach’……DUAN, they TRADE-OFF islam (read IMAN!) for mere pittence!……and this is what Allah reminded muslims in the holy Quran…….if you dont remember or know this, its ok….you are just a MELAYU CELUP to me……

    sia sia ajer you said you masuk Islam….in actuality, you masuk melayu!!!


    The MIND!!!

  8. janice says:

    Seriously if the means justified the end, this guy would long ago burn in hell. Thankfully most of us are not all hot blooded Melayu UMNO that created May 13 baying for blood to soak the keris. I love to fantasize having this Ridhuan T die a painfully slow death of some sort of chronic disease but then again, what a waste of time.

  9. MD says:

    Grinch? Hey don’t give the fella a bad name because he did repent in the end and came to the realization the beauty of Christmas.

    I think it should read as:
    Ridhuan Tee, the Melayu Wannabe, that stole Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

    See? At least that rhymes and will also deter the Americans from accusing us of stealing ideas.

    Ridhuan Tee does look like a tukang urut ala 80an. Which Universiti is he from again? The one that has no ranking in the world is it? Dr apa tu? I hope he didn’t cut and paste to get thru his degrees and Phd.

  10. jungleboy says:

    Ridhuan Tee is a typical OCBC (orang cina bukan cina). Being a convert, he is trying to be more islamic than born-muslim just as Mamak trying to be more melayu than the malays. Even if he is classified as bumiputra, thats not enough for him, he wants to be UMNOPUTRA.

    • Zinzan says:

      Who is this Chinaman trying to fool, I hope the Malays are not that gullible to swallow all his twat postings.
      This fake malay wannabe is actually suffering from Identity Deficiency Syndrome, his father would have rather yanked himself to feed the cockroaches on that faithfull night if he had known that this kaisu son would turn against his own race just so he could enrich himself. Any which way you look at him he is worse off than a Cow’s butt being struck by lightning. Typical Apek looking with sepek eyes, he must have
      had Printed his own Phd Certificate in his garage. If I see him on the street I may do his father a favor by giving him a tight slap on his face to wake him up from his elusive dream of trying to be Melayu. Tee is just borrowing the Melayu’s pantat to mask his face, what a wanker.

  11. mohd wahey says:

    ridhuan tee – a male bitch

  12. Musa Susah says:

    Orang Melayu pantat Cina

  13. amoker says:

    He brought this upon himself. But now, he already has a column in Utusan and the rest of the normal people like us have to slog for a living.

    I wonder if MACMA ( Chinese Muslim association of Malaysia) is proud of him . He has the best BM in Malaysia btw.

  14. badapink says:

    hahaaa…. macam ni punya orang pun ada, nak show off la tu

  15. frankie says:

    So, what level of BM should a Chinese Malaysian possessed to be accepted as a Malaysian? I can write, read, communicate in BM but is no where comparable to RT, so what nationality am I? What about those Malays that work in Dewan Bahasa but whored out the Bahasa Melayu and accepted the ‘translasi’ English words to be used in the teaching of Bahasa Melayu. The non Malays like me felt cheated and offended that when we learn Bahasa Melayu, we want the real Bahasa Melayu, not the mixture of English words to be used as Bahasa Melayu. How can then we be proud of Bahasa Melayu? We want our national language to be pure undilluted. Enough is enough. Tolong hentikan segala pencemaran bahasa melayu.

  16. Musa Susah says:

    Badan lembu tapi bau nya BABI

  17. orang china UK says:

    This type of chinese is very confused in his mind. When he is outside Malaysia, he will drop his malay identity and boast about his chineseness. Many melayu will view him with suspicion and treat him as a chinese.

  18. Yamashita says:

    It is not surprising many muslim converts here regard themselves as Malays. I had come across a few Indian Muslims who claimed to be Malays. When I asked them why, they replied because they were muslims.

    So I told them they were millions of Malays in the African continent; in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Syria, Libya etc. . Why? Because they are muslims! To them muslim equal malay!

  19. assalamah says:

    salam sejahtera kepada semua, semoga Tuhan anda masing-masing , dapat menyejukkan hati anda agar segala kata-kata dan pemikiran anda semua sentiasa dalam kebenaran.Kita semuakan beragama , doalah mengikut agama masing-masing agar kebenaran dan kejujuran hadir dalam diri setiap orang Malaysia.Semoga Malaysia sentiasa aman dan bersatu padu.Itulah yang kita sentiasa impikan,

  20. Nigell Dunlop says:

    RT, this motherfugger is trying to justify his existence as a Melayu because he could not make a living as a Chinese after having sold his soul to Utusan Melayu for his bread n butter.

    Maybe he needs a real shaft up where the sun do not shine, then he will understand what Mahathir and Najib did to any opposition politician in the Malaysian judiciary where all judges get the shaft if they do not jail all opposition on sodomy charges.

    He wanted to be like those imbeciles that runs MACC so he changed the colour of his skin, don the songkok, dance the joget and does the blow-job for JKB in a sick country flushed with by police bastards with C4 under the command of a killer PM.

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