Nah!! Time for the middle finger/ Rome burns, Kit Siang fiddles

By Hartal MSM Did Namewee really stick his middle finger at the Kulaijaya principal Siti Inshah Mansor in his ‘Nah!!’ music video? If you want to know, you have to source YouTube yourself for the clip … ‘cos we ain’t telling. The young rapper has been accused of (criminal) vulgarity and profanity. However, he is … Continue reading

Simply brilliant! The key to understanding Icker-Tee

The blogger of  ‘Augean Stables’ has written this most illuminating article (below) on how certain Jews believe themselves to be superior for opposing their own community. We’re excerpting portions of his article and adding the word ‘Chinese’ alongside ‘Jews’. We think the exposition by this ‘Augean Stables’ blogger  on the psychology behind ‘Theobald Jews’ can … Continue reading

What Utusan really reported on Teo Nie Ching

Pix (from Teo Nie Ching‘s blog): She now wears selendang on her surau visits What did Utusan really say? Its Friday headline screamed that Teo Nie Ching had greatly insulted Muslims. On SUNDAY, Utusan carried this on page 3: Kesucian masjid terus dinodai (Sanctity of mosques continues to be sullied) The above story was also … Continue reading

What does the Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz wannabe have to say?

In view of the swirling hudud controversy between DAP and PAS, we thought the stories below worth drawing attention too. On Aug 19, The Guardian reports that Saudi Arabia’s strict enforcement of sharia law sees ‘an eye for an eye’ punishment sought for by a complainant following a cleaver attack. According to the paper, Abdul-Aziz … Continue reading

Charge the ‘surau man’ with assault on a minor!!

Poster: Kids deserve a second chance So how did the police so quickly know to finger the culprits who splashed paint at a surau in Taman Pulai Impian? Elementary my dear Watson. Police apprehended them on the night of Aug 24 and the morning of Aug 25. But guess what? Malaysiakini reported that the 13-year-old … Continue reading

Umno also praying that Guan Eng converts to Islam

Pix/Parpukari: Lim Guan Eng caricatured by Umno blogs. Guan Eng, now do you see what can happen!? Talking about ‘rope’ and giving your enemies enough of it to hang you with … Following the path beaten by the Perak mufti, Mahathir (we’re using him one name, like ‘Madonna’) found an easy opening to take a … Continue reading

How to rope-a-dope

Click on image for the video. WARNING: Please refrain from laughing too loudly whilst viewing. This is the video evidence for our previous posting  – read here.

You gotta lurrrve this guy

By Sharifuddin A. Latiff Icker-Tee, eat your heart out. We thought the clip below worth bringing to our readers’ attention. Now, we all know that deejay Jamaluddin Ibrahim speaks good Mandarin. However it brought a grin to our faces to hear this Melayu fler speaking English with an endearing Chinese accent. The dude rocks! As … Continue reading

Why debate when you can hack?

Pix: Rosie ben-David, 16-year-old administrator of a pro-Israel Facebook group ‘Gaza Flotilla – the world should know the truth’ is a Facebook group with some 256,000 members. Their objective is “to share the truth about what really happened on that boat”. About three weeks ago, the site was hacked. The hackers deleted all the photos, … Continue reading

Ridhuan Tee: “8 out of 10 rich M’sians are Chinese”

Excerpts from his Utusan weekly fitnah which can also be read in his blog; the article ‘Belajar dari bangsa berjaya’ (Aug 22) Ridhuan writes that the ultra kiasu websites are very unhappy with the statement by the SP Setia developer who praised the NEP, whom he – as only to be expected – defends … Continue reading